In our first post in this series, we looked at how to identify your strengths.  But how can Christians talk about their strengths without coming across as boastful?

Christians often grapple with the idea of talking about their strengths. They are concerned about coming across as boastful or prideful, which goes against the humility we see in Scripture. However, we must shift our perspective on strengths and recognize them as gifts from God rather than personal achievements.

When we acknowledge our strengths, we must remember that they are not meant to be bragging points but tools entrusted to us by God. Just as the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 teaches us, we are called to be good stewards of the gifts we have been given. We fulfill our purpose in His kingdom by using our strengths to serve others and glorify God.

Talking about our strengths should always point back to God as the ultimate source of our abilities. By attributing our strengths to His grace and guidance, we shift the focus away from ourselves and toward the One who empowers us. In talking about our strengths, we should thank God for equipping us to carry out His work on earth.

Recognizing and talking about our strengths does not mean ignoring our weaknesses. By acknowledging our limitations, we can fully appreciate the strength that comes from God. By embracing our weaknesses and relying on His strength, we demonstrate humility and dependence on God in all our lives.

Talking about our strengths as Christians is not about self-promotion but acknowledging God’s work in and through us. It is a way of honoring Him and being faithful stewards of the gifts He has entrusted to us.

Return to the first blog post in the series here.

Chew On This:

How have you seen God use one of your strengths to advance his kingdom?

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1st Principle Group

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