Making Scripture the Standard of Truth Across Your Personal Life

What is your standard of truth? What do you choose as the truth when your emotions are saying one thing, your reason is saying another thing, your friends and family are saying a third thing, experts are saying a fourth thing, and the Bible is saying a fifth thing? As Christians, we say that the Bible is the standard of truth, and we can see evidence of that in some areas of our lives, but then, in other areas of our lives, we don’t match that claim. More often than we should, our actions show we choose Scripture as the standard only when we like what it says. Despite this tendency to pick and choose, we can see real historical, scientific, archaeological, and literary evidence that Scripture is the ultimate standard of truth in books such as Evidence that Demands a Verdict. If we are in Christ, we are being sanctified to hold to the truth more and more. Let’s look at some practical ways we can learn to live from the truth that God gives us in Scripture:

  1. Identify areas where you have Scripture as your standard of truth.  Then, identify areas in your life where you are not upholding Scripture as the standard of truth.  One of the ways you can do this is by looking at areas where obeying God’s word comes easily to you and areas where you struggle to obey God’s word.  You may be living by a standard of truth other than God’s word in areas of disobedience, even if you know what is right.  Ask God to reveal to you where you are missing the mark. You can also ask other believers what they see in you.  Fellow Christians can help you with blindspots and encourage you by showing you places where you bear Godly fruit.
  2. Confess and repent of any areas where you have failed to uphold Scripture as the standard of truth.  We all sin and need the Holy Spirit’s help to obey His word.
  3. After repentance, walk in renewed obedience.  Christ paid the penalty for our sins, and by His grace, we can flee sin and serve Him.  For example, someone who has repented from deceit will pursue integrity.  This doesn’t mean our sin issues are fixed overnight, but we are becoming more like Christ.  If you struggle to see a change in your life, a belief is blocking you. A trained professional may help you to discover that belief, dismantle it, and replace it with truth.
  4. No matter how busy life gets, find ways to connect to Him.  God is the first in everything, including our lives.  One simple way to demonstrate His greatness is by prioritizing regular Bible reading and prayer. Even five minutes can make a difference.  Also, think of how you’ve best connected with Christ. For some of us, that has been through music, listening to a sermon, getting into great conversations about Him, etc. Find ways to do bite-sized versions of those things when you are busy.
  5. Ask God to help you understand and apply Scripture.  God means every word we read in Scripture. He gives wisdom to those who ask for itGod is the one who gives us the ability to understand and apply Scripture to our lives, and He welcomes us when we ask for help.
  6. Remember that God sometimes works through others to help us understand Scripture. Throughout church history, believers have helped each other to understand God’s word.  Who do you know who can answer your questions when you get confused? A great, Gospel-centered church could be invaluable here.  Solid commentaries, listening to sermons from godly preachers, and sites such as or can also help you gain tremendous understanding.
  7. Meditate on Scripture day and night by asking yourself questions about the truths you have seen in Scripture.  The Chew On This question below is an example of a question about a truth.

Prioritizing Scripture leads you to understand Christ better. It helps you gain wisdom, avoid traps, and experience freedom.  It allows you to live out the fruit of the Spirit as you abide in Christ.

Chew on This:

Think of one area of your life where you have not obeyed the Bible.  What would change if you listened to what the Bible says is true in this area?

Ryan Bailey

Ryan Bailey has been a counselor, coach, and consultant for over 30 years, growing thousands of leaders, high-performing teams, churches, and families. In his journey, he's seen that nothing compares to putting God first above all else: not just spiritually, but physically, relationally, strategically, and financially too. His mission is to help others make Christ their 1st Principle.

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