Addiction Part 2: How Can I Help My Loved One Heal From Addiction?

In our last post, we looked at the problem of addiction and where there is hope for lasting change. In this post, we are going to look at how to support and love people who are battling addiction. While addiction often manifests as a biochemical issue, at its core lies a deeper spiritual problem. Understanding this spiritual dimension is crucial in helping those on the path to recovery.

Behind every addiction is a false belief that tells the addict they must continue using substances to avoid greater pain. This deception keeps them trapped in a cycle of dependency. To truly help someone overcome addiction, they need to uncover these false beliefs that fuel their destructive behavior.  While a Christian therapist can be very helpful during this process, it is also important to encourage your loved one to be immersed in Scripture and consider what God says is true.

Dismantling these false beliefs is not always a quick process. Often, it requires patient and persistent effort to replace lies with truth. As we walk alongside those struggling, know that there will be ups and downs. Sometimes, as someone gets closer to dismantling the false belief, they will actually struggle to a greater degree while still deeply desiring to change. Even though it appears they are struggling more, they are actually making progress, so don’t lose heart!

A critical aspect of recovery is developing a deeper understanding of who God is and who they are in relation to Him. This renewed perspective can profoundly change how they view both God and themselves. If the person struggling with addiction is a believer, they grasp the depth of God’s love and their identity as His beloved children, they can begin to break free from the shame that often keeps them trapped in addiction and take hold of their identity as beloved children of the Father. Part of overcoming addiction means understanding how everything we are looking for in substances or other things is fulfilled in God, and how much better God is than anything this world has to offer

As followers of Christ, we have the privilege and responsibility to reflect God’s love and grace to those battling addiction. Some of the greatest help you can offer is encouraging the person towards what is true in Scripture and encouraging them to get real and close to God.In this journey of recovery, patience and perseverance are key. In our own power, we can’t change anyone, not even ourselves: we must trust in God’s power to transform lives and continue to point those struggling towards His unfailing love and grace. Through this process, we can witness the miraculous work of God in bringing freedom and new life to those once bound by addiction.

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Chew On This:

What is one way you can encourage your loved one if they are experiencing discouragement in the process of changing?

1st Principle Group