Addiction Part 4: Practical Steps for Those Whose Loved Ones Are Struggling

In our last post, we looked at how faith transforms addiction. In our final post in this series, we are going to look at practical steps you can take if your loved one is struggling with addiction. As believers walking alongside someone struggling with addiction, it’s crucial to remember that our role is to support, not to save. While our hearts ache to see our loved ones free from addiction, we must recognize that genuine change can only come from within. Until they truly desire transformation, we cannot force it upon them. This understanding, though difficult, can help us maintain realistic expectations and set healthy boundaries, which ultimately helps everyone involved.

In this challenging journey, it’s essential to have a strong support system for yourself. The consequences of an addict’s choices can be far-reaching, affecting not just them but also those who care for them. Seek out fellow believers, support groups, or therapists who can provide guidance, prayer, and a listening ear. Remember, you’re not meant to bear this burden alone, and others are ready and able to help.

While we can’t force change, we can encourage our loved ones to seek professional help. Addiction often requires specialized treatment, and professionals can offer the expertise needed for recovery. Gently and persistently suggesting this option can be a loving act of support.

As Christians, we have the powerful tools of fasting and prayer. Interceding for our addicted loved ones is vital, and we must be cautious not to let their addiction become the center of our lives. Only Christ deserves that place. Maintain a balanced perspective, focusing on your relationship with God and allowing Him to work in your loved one’s life.

Establishing and maintaining strong boundaries is crucial. This isn’t unloving; rather, it’s a way to protect yourself while still offering support. Boundaries can prevent enabling behaviors and encourage personal responsibility.

Always hold onto hope. Change can happen at any moment, often when we least expect it. God’s transformative power knows no limits, and He can work miracles in the most desperate situations.

Finally, trust in God’s timing and methods, even when He seems silent. His ways are higher than ours, and He is always at work, even when we can’t see or understand it. Rest in the knowledge that He loves your addicted loved one even more than you do.

Remember, your faithfulness in supporting your loved one is not in vain. Continue to reflect Christ’s love, maintain hope, and trust in God’s sovereign plan. Your perseverance is a powerful testimony to the enduring love of Christ.

Return to the first post in our series here.

Chew On This:

What is one way you can seek to grow closer to God as you are helping a loved one struggling with addiction? What is a truth about God that is encouraging to you right now?

1st Principle Group