Ryan Bailey

Series: How to Talk to Your Children about Sex

By Ryan Bailey / May 18, 2016 /

Over the next couple of months, we will be doing a blog series on how to talk to your children about sex. At a young age, my mother opened up the dialogue with me, which allowed for ongoing discussions on various aspects of sexuality. It also provided a necessary platform for me to better understand God…

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Understanding your Emotions

By Ryan Bailey / May 13, 2016 /

Growing up in a house full of women, I have often been labeled as a ‘softy.’ I’ll be the first to admit that I do feel things deeply, but I really can work hard to hide the fact that the Dove soap commercial about Mother’s Day made me feel emotions… I am also highly analytical…

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Exposing the Darkness

By Ryan Bailey / May 6, 2016 /

“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” -Mark Twain Do you remember that first moment someone you thought so highly of did something awful? The shock of your idol/sibling/parent/best friend doing something you know in your heart to be wrong? For me, one of the earliest instances…

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Essentialism: Using Google Calendar for Time Management

By Ryan Bailey / April 30, 2016 /

How are you maximizing Google Calendar to keep you focused on your essential tasks?  I work with many business leaders and their teams, and one of the things we work on together is how to use our time effectively. As leaders, we have many demands on our time. And many distractions. Sometimes, we give-in to…

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Living in the Tension as a Community

By Ryan Bailey / April 29, 2016 /

“We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer A few weeks ago, I had one of those moments in life that blatantly reminded me that the world is not black and white. As my…

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Finding Our Way When There Isn’t Clarity

By Ryan Bailey / April 22, 2016 /

Every year, a few of the guys I went to college with take a backpacking trip. It’s a chance for us to stretch our legs, reminisce, and be reminded of how cushy our lives are now that we’re all working and raising families. I missed one of the trips early on when an incredible thing…

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Whose Voice am I Following?

By Ryan Bailey / April 15, 2016 /

One of the greatest footballers (soccer) to ever play the game is Zinedine Zidane, the French midfielder who played the sport as an artform. Late in his career, he described a very unique aspect of being a professional and playing in front of millions of people: noise. If you’ve ever been in a stadium, you…

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No Grave Can Hold us Down

By Ryan Bailey / April 8, 2016 /

“Unbeing dead isn’t being alive.” E.E. Cummings While visiting Paris a few years ago, my wife and I ducked into a small cemetery on the outskirts of the city. Not a typical stop for tourists but we heard from locals that it was a beautiful place to take a walk and there were several prominent…

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The Benefits of Milk Thistle on Your Liver

By Ryan Bailey / April 6, 2016 /

Have you noticed the increased interest in liver health these days? There are so many liver detox plans/diets. And of course there are many views about these detox plans. One of the greatest issues surrounding liver health is fatty liver disease. What is fatty liver disease and who has it? Simply stated, fatty liver disease…

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The Risk of Knowing and Being Known

By Ryan Bailey / April 1, 2016 /

“A ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” -William G.T. Shedd There is an element of risk involved in comedy. I learned from my dad at an early age that a well timed phrase, observation, or interpretation can lift people in a way that few things can. I learned…

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