Ryan Bailey
I’ve had a setback. I fear that something I really wanted to see happen may not happen. How many times in my career have I dreamed about something, developed plans around it, got my team on board with it, spent money on it, and then it came up short? I fear that this will be…
Read MoreBelow is an example of how I filled out my Gospel Break template earlier this week: Gospel Break: What is the Gospel? Father, your Gospel says that you had compassion on us sinners. Despite our infidelity towards you, You were faithful to us. We were dead in our sins. We despised you, we replaced you,…
Read MoreAs believers, our goal is to love God with all we have and are and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We discussed in a previous blog how that comes only when we see how much God loved us first. Unfortunately, we often only know intellectually that God loves us; we may struggle to truly…
Read MoreHow do you come to really believe that God loves you with all He has and is? You believe it intellectually. You’ve seen it in the Gospel. But how do you get to a point of functionally believing something as big as that? How could the God of the Universe possibly love you, specifically? How…
Read MoreLove transforms us. When we know something we’re doing bothers someone we really love, we stop doing it. When we know that something brings someone we really love joy, we give it to them. Our lives are not what they could be because we are not functionally convinced that God loves us with all He…
Read MoreOkay, this may sound overly simplistic at first, but hear me out. The first commandment is that we are to love God with all we have and are. But when we sin, there is always the same one-two punch that Satan delivered to Adam and Eve: First, he gets us to believe that we can…
Read More“Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He existed before creation began, for it was through him that every thing was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through him, and for him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created through, and…
Read MoreFor one reason or another, your resume is too long. Maybe you’ve finished your first draft to find you have a 5-page monster on your hands. Or maybe you’re like me, and you just dump accomplishments and dates haphazardly into an overgrown document until you need them. Maybe you’re simply overqualified for a role. Pushing…
Read MoreBeing able to flush/align left and right simultaneously is extremely helpful when creating professional documents. This is text flush left. The text is aligned to the left. This is text flush right. The text is aligned to the right.. Below is text flush left and right at the same time. Notice how the texts share…
Read MoreThere are countless resources on the internet about how you should format your resume. Font, font size, margin, page count, layout, expensive paper? The number of decisions you have to make when building your resume is dizzying. What decisions are right? What kind of layout will help you get the job? To answer those questions,…
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