

"His services before and during our transition have saved the new investors and the business tens of thousands
of dollars! Finally, in 2012, when it came down to sell our company, we were able to sell it for 10% above asking price."

Dirk Tanis

CEO of Itani, LLC

"My coaching experience with Ryan was one of the landmark experiences in my life. What I learned about God and myself during my time with Ryan did more to help me grow, heal and mature than almost any other experience...My experience was invaluable, and crucial in helping me become the, husband, brother, son, and friend that I am today.”

Stephen Vullo

Ministry Leader

“Ryan’s greatest attribute as a counselor or coach, the thing he does best, is to get to the heart of the matter. Real, lasting change in people must begin at the heart level, and Ryan has a remarkable ability to do just that."

Al Baker

Reverend, President of Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship (PEF)

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