Teaching children to glorify God is one of the greatest callings of Christian parenting, and is rooted in Scripture’s clear command to raise children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

Teach Your Children About God

It may seem obvious, but a great way to teach kids about glorifying God is to help them learn about God himself.  Understanding how glorious God is can help all of us, kids and adults alike, to give him glory.  A great place to start is by teaching your children about God’s authority (he owns and rules over everything), his holiness (God only does what is right and never sins), and his love for his people (God loves his people so much that he died for them).  Depending on your child’s age, it may help to show them how incomparable God is in comparison to things they know:

“God is bigger than the biggest mountain you can imagine.”

“God is stronger than [your child’s favorite superhero]”

“God is more valuable than all the money in the world!”

“God loves you even more than Mom and Dad.”

Point to the Saving Work of Christ

It is vitally important that you also help your children to understand that they cannot glorify God outside of the saving work of Christ.  Teach children that God is not glorified when they simply try harder to be good in their own strength, but when they trust that Jesus has taken away their sin and given them his righteousness, and when they ask God for help in glorifying him.

Memorize the Catechism

Memorizing the third and fourth questions of the Children’s Catechism will be helpful in showing your child why God’s glory is so important.  The questions and answers read:

Q. 3. Why did God make you and all things ?

A. For his own glory.

Q. 4. How can you glorify God?

A. By loving him and doing what he commands.

Glorify God in Your Own Life

It helps children greatly in understanding how to glorify God when their parents model a life that glorifies God. Children learn by watching, so when they see their parents worship, pray, and live out their faith in daily life, they witness what it means to honor God. Whether it’s through worship on the Lord’s Day or prayer during family devotions, parents need to demonstrate that glorifying God is not confined to Sunday morning but extends to every moment.

Teach the Word of God

Teaching children the Word of God is vital. Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs parents to talk of God’s commands “when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise.” Bible reading, Scripture memorization, and discussing God’s truth at every opportunity instill a deep understanding of who God is and how He calls us to live.

Finally, children should be taught to see every aspect of life as an opportunity to glorify God.  Think about common tasks and situations your child encounters, and discuss what it means to glorify God in each of those situations. Whether in schoolwork, chores, or friendships, they must learn that obedience to parents, kindness to others, and doing their best in all things reflect a heart that desires to please the Lord.

Chew On This:

What is one attribute of God that you can teach your children about this week?  How might this attribute lead them to glorify God?

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1st Principle Group

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