Too Busy To Have A Quiet Time? Try This: Part 2

Connecting to God is essential.  We can do nothing without Him. Yet all of us have had those days that are so full that it is hard to spend as much time as we want to with Him. On those days, we can pepper in some shorter ways of connecting to God. That way, we are conscious of Him throughout the day.  In the first blog in this series, we talked about two ways to connect to God: Practicing the Presence of Christ and Breath Prayers. Today, we will discuss four more.

YouVersion Bible Devotionals

I love working through YouVersion’s Devotionals. Most of their devotionals follow a sequence: an introduction (the devotion itself), a set of Scriptures, and a space to write what stands out to you about that day’s readings. 

I also love inviting friends to do these devotionals with me so I can learn from the godly insights they got from those Scriptures.  As I share the wisdom I’ve gained, it deepens my connection to God, my friends, and others.

Every January 1st, many of my friends and I do a Bible in a Year Plan.  For my friends who find a year plan overwhelming, we also do shorter devotionals on topics like the Gospel, being husbands and fathers, our identity, business leadership, thanksgiving, and more. We just completed one called Breakthrough Prayer, and I learned so much about what it means to Watch and Pray (a future blog will cover that topic… No spoiler alerts on this blog ;-)). 

Pray as You Go

Throughout the day, you can talk to God about anything you want, no matter how much or how little time you have. You can praise Him, thank Him, process something that is going on, confess to Him, wrestle through temptations with Him, repent before Him, beg Him for help, enjoy something that just happened with Him, etc. The goal is to connect to Him genuinely, even in the shortest of moments.

Christian Fellowship

Fellowship is about having shared experiences with someone. Christian fellowship means that we are encouraged by having shared experiences about Christ.

Does your day involve being around other Believers? If so, just having a quick conversation with them about something cool you’ve learned about God, what you are grateful for, prayer requests, etc. would do tremendous good and encourage both of you as you connect to God. 

If you are not around other Believers, who can you call to enjoy some quick fellowship time with?

Christian Meditation

Christian meditation is about thinking through the details of a truth. You can do that by asking a question related to that truth and then giving as detailed an answer as possible. For example, if you’re wrestling to get the truth from your head to your heart: “Because of Christ’s Substitutionary work on the cross, God loves me as much as He loves Jesus,” you can ask a question like, “What would have been different about my life if I genuinely believed that God loves me as much as He loves Jesus?”, or “How would today be different if I genuinely believed God loves me as much as He loves Jesus?”, or “What would happen to my pet sins if I believed God loves me as much as He loves Jesus?” Then, think of how this truth would change your life in as many ways as you can.  By chewing on the answers to our questions, we believe the truth more and more.

Christian meditation is best when we are doing tasks where we can check out mentally and still do the job with excellence.

In part 3 of our series, we will look at five more ways to connect to God during busy times.

Chew on This:

Which of your friends would you want to connect to God with? How do you want to connect with God with them?

Ryan Bailey

Ryan Bailey has been a counselor, coach, and consultant for over 30 years, growing thousands of leaders, high-performing teams, churches, and families. In his journey, he's seen that nothing compares to putting God first above all else: not just spiritually, but physically, relationally, strategically, and financially too. His mission is to help others make Christ their 1st Principle.

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