“Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He existed before creation began, for it was through him that every thing was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through him, and for him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created through, and for him. He is both the First Principle and the upholding principle of the whole scheme of creation. And now he is the head of the body, which is composed of all Christian people. Life from nothing began through him, and life from the dead began through him, and he is, therefore, justly called the Lord of all. It was in him that the full nature of God chose to live, and through him God planned to reconcile in his own person, as it were, everything on earth and everything in Heaven by virtue of the sacrifice of the cross.”

— Colossians 1:15-20, J.B. Phillips New Testament

Christ is the first principle. He created all. Christ upholds everything. So it is only natural that He is the only one to worship and give everything we have and are to. We are to follow Him and do what He commands.

We are never to use Christ to get something else, as if He were but a means to an end. If we do, whatever end we are using Christ for is our real god, and that is an insult to the One who loves us more deeply than anyone ever could.

Moreover, since He upholds everything, life falls apart if He is not first in our marriage, parenting, business-building, self-care, friendships, church, etc.

So Christ is the foundation. All that we do needs to be aligned with Him. It is only fitting that when we dream or plan we are to pray to Him and seek His wisdom first.

As leaders, if we live with Christ as the first principle, think of the impact He will have. Think of what our families, team, and others will be inspired to do for Him.

Chew On This:

  • What is a tangible step you can take today to have Christ as the first principle?

The 1st Principle Leadership brand was created to equip Christian heads of companies to live in congruence with Christ and grow thriving businesses that truly glorify Him while functionally putting Christ and their families ahead of the business.

*This blog is an amalgamation of a few different clients.  No client is being singled out.

Ryan Bailey

Ryan Bailey has been a counselor, coach, and consultant for over 30 years, growing thousands of leaders, high-performing teams, churches, and families. In his journey, he's seen that nothing compares to putting God first above all else: not just spiritually, but physically, relationally, strategically, and financially too. His mission is to help others make Christ their 1st Principle.