Why Should Church Community Be an Essential Part of My Life?

As Christians, we understand that our faith is not meant to be lived in isolation. No church is perfect but being part of a Bible-believing, gospel preaching church, far from being optional, is an essential aspect of our walk with Christ. Here’s why:

Biblical Foundation

The church is important because God says it is.  We are commanded to meet together with other believers (Hebrews 10:24-25), and Scripture consistently portrays the church as a body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27), emphasizing our interconnectedness and mutual dependence. The early Christians devoted themselves to fellowship (Acts 2:42), understanding that community was crucial for spiritual growth and perseverance.  God designed us for community, and so we thrive when we have close relationships with brothers and sisters who love the Lord.

Covenant Community

God’s church is a covenant community. Just as God made covenants with His people throughout history, He continues to work through the church, which is made up of the people that he has made a covenant with. When we are saved, we are adopted into a family, so the people at church are our brothers and sisters in Christ. This others-oriented aspect of our faith reflects God’s triune nature and His desire for us to live in relationship with Him and each other.

Accountability and Discipleship

Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that “iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” The church provides a context for mutual accountability, encouragement, and discipleship. It’s where we learn to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2) and “stir up one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). Having regular fellowship and studying Scripture with other believers helps us to make sure we have a right view of God. Christian friends can help us keep the light of Christ front and center in our view!

Witness to the World

Jesus said our love for one another would be a testimony to the world (John 13:35). The church community, when functioning as God intends, serves as a powerful witness to the transforming power of the Gospel. Being in a community also helps us to be more aware of how we are living out our faith before others.

Preparation for Eternity

As we mentioned in our blog post on friendship, our participation in church community now is a foretaste of the eternal fellowship we will enjoy with God and His people in the new creation.

In a world that increasingly values individualism, we must resist the temptation to neglect our local church body in favor of shallow interactions and keeping our lives private. Fellowship is not an optional add-on to our faith but a vital, God-ordained means for our spiritual growth, mutual support, and effective witness. Let’s grow in our commitment to active participation in our local churches, recognizing that it is incredibly important for our spiritual well-being and God’s glory!

Chew On This:

What is one way you can prioritize fellowship and community this week?

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1st Principle Group